Kamis, 17 Januari 2008

Renewable energy

Renewable energy effectively uses natural resources such as sunlight, wind , rain, tides and geothermal heat , which are naturally replenished. Renewable energy technologies range from solar power , wind power, hydroelectricity/micro hydro, biomass and bio fuels for transportation.

About 13 % of the world primary energy comes from renewable, with most of renewable energy coming from traditional biomass , like wood burning . Hydropower is the next largest renewable source, providing 2-3%, and modern technologies like geothermal, wind, solar, and marine energy together produce less than 1% of total world energy demand. The technical potential for their use is very large, exceeding all other readily available sources.

Renewable energy technologies are sometimes criticized for being unreliable or unsightly, yet the market is growing for many forms of renewable energy. Wind power has a worldwide installed capacity of 74,223 MW and is widely used in several European countries and the USA. The manufacturing output of the photovoltaic industry reached more than 2,000 MW per year in 2006, and PV power plants are particularly popular in Germany. Solar thermal power stations operate in the USA and Spain, and the largest of these is the 354 MW SEGS power plant in the Mojave Desert . The world's largest geothermal power installation is The Geysers in California, with a rated capacity of 750 MW. Brazil has one of the largest renewable energy programs in the world, involving production of ethanol fuel from sugar cane, and ethanol now provides 18 percent of the country's automotive fuel. Ethanol fuel is also widely available in the USA.

While there are many large-scale renewable energy projects, renewable

technologies are also suited to small off-grid applications, sometimes in rural and remote areas, where energy is often crucial in human development. Kenya has the world's highest household solar ownership rate with roughly 30,000 small (20-100 watt) solar power systems sold per year.

Climate change concerns coupled with high oil prices , peak oil and increasing government support are driving increasing renewable energy legislation, incentives and commercialization. EU leaders reached agreement in principle in March that 20 percent of the bloc's energy should be produced from renewable fuels by 2020, as part of its drive to cut emissions of carbon dioxide, blamed in part for global warming . Investment capital flowing into renewable energy climbed from $80 billion in 2005 to a record $100 billion in 2006. Some very large corporations such as BP, GE, Sharp, and Shell are investing in the renewable energy sector.

Kinds of renewable energy

1. Biofuel (also called agrofuel) can be broadly defined as solid, liquid, or gas fuel consisting of, or derived from biomass . This article, however, is principally about biofuel in the form of liquid or gas transportation fuel derived from biomass. Biomass can also be used directly for heating or power. One type of biomass is wood, which is frequently used in industry, either by itself to create energy or with other combustible matter (such as coal ) to burn and create heat. (Wood d has been burned for millennia - as solids.)

Biofuel is considered a means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing energy security by providing an alternative to fossil fuels . However, In October 2007, Nobel Laureate Paul Crutzen published findings that the release of Nitrous Oxide (N2O) among the commonly used biofuels, such as biodisel from rapeseed and bioethanol from corn (maize), can contribute as much or more to global warming than fossil fuel savings do to global cooling . Crops with less N demand, such as grasses and woody coppice species have more favorable climate impacts.

Biofuels are used globally: biofuel industries are expanding in Europe, Asia and the Americas. The most common use for biofuels is in automotive transport (for example E 10 fuel). Biofuel can be produced from any carbon source that can be replenished rapidly e.g. plants. Many different plants and plant-derived materials are used for biofuel manufacture.

2. Biomass refers to living and recently dead biological material that can be used as fuel or for industrial production. Most commonly, biomass refers to plant matter grown for use as biofuel, but it also includes plant or animal matter used for production of fibers, chemicals or heat. Biomass may also include biodegradable wastes that can be burnt as fuel. It excludes organic material which has been transformed by geological processes into substances such as coal or petroleum .

Biomass is grown from several plants, including misconstrues , switch grass, hemp, corn,poplar, willow, sugarcane and oil palm. The particular plant used is usually not very important to the end products, but it does affect the processing of the raw material. Production of biomass is a growing industry as interest in sustainable fuel sources is growing.

Although fossil fuels have their origin in ancient biomass, they are not considered biomass by the generally accepted definition because they contain carbon that has been "out" of the carbon cycle for a very long time. Their combustion therefore disturbs the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere.

Plastics from biomass, like some recently developed to dissolve in seawater, are made the same way as petroleum-based plastics, are actually cheaper to manufacture and meet or exceed most performance standards. But they lack the same water resistance or longevity as conventional plastics.

3. Geothermal power (from the greek words geo, meaning earth, and theme, meaning heat) is energy generated by heat stored beneath the Earth's surface. Prince Piero Ginori Conti tested the first geothermal generator on 4 July 1904, at the Larderello dry steam field in Italy. The largest group of geothermal power plants in the world is located in The Geysers , a geothermal field in California. As of 2007, geothermal power supplies less than 1% of the world's energy.

4. Hydroelectricity is electricity produced by hydropower. It is a renewable source of energy, produces no waste, and does not produce carbon dioxide (CO2) which contributes to greenhouse gases. Hydroelectricity now supplies about 715,000 MWe or 19% of world electricity (16% in 2003), accounting for over 63% of the total electricity from renewable in 2005.

Although large hydroelectric installations generate most of the world's hydroelectricity, small hydro schemes are particularly popular in China, which has over 50% of world small hydro capacity. Most hydroelectric power comes from the potential energy of dammed water driving a water turbine and generator . In this case the energy extracted from the water depends on the volume and on the difference in height between the source and the water's outflow. This height difference is called the head The amount of potential energy in water is proportional to the head. To obtain very high head, water for a hydraulic turbine may be run through a large pipe called a penstock. Pumped storage hydroelectricity produces electricity to supply high peak demands by moving water between reservoirs at different elevations.

At times of low electrical demand, excess generation capacity is used to pump water into the higher reservoir. When there is higher demand, water is released back into the lower reservoir through a turbine. Pumped storage schemes currently provide the only commercially important means of large-scale grid energy storage and improve the daily load factor of the generation system. Hydroelectric plants with no reservoir capacity are called run-of-the-river plants, since it is not then possible to store water. A tidal power plant makes use of the daily rise and fall of water due to tides; such sources are highly predictable, and if conditions permit construction of barrages and reservoirs, can also be dispatch able to generate power during high demand periods. Less common types of hydro schemes use water's kinetic energy or undimmed sources such as undershot waterwheels, the relatively recent field of hydrokinetics.

A simple formula for approximating electric power production at a hydroelectric plant is: P = hrk, where P is Power in watts, h is height in meters, r is flow rate in cubic meters per second, and k is a conversion factor of 7500 watts (assuming an efficiency factor of about 76.5 percent and acceleration due to gravity of 9.81 m/s2, and fresh water with a density of 1000 kg per cubic meter. Efficiency is often higher with larger modern turbines and may be lower with very old or small installations due to proportionately higher friction losses). Annual electric energy production depends on the available water supply. In some installations the water flow rate can vary by a factor of 10:1 over the course of a year.

5. Solar energy is energy from the Sun. This energy drives the climate and weather and supports virtually all life on Earth. Heat and light from the sun, sexy along with solar-based resources such as wind and wave power, hydroelectricity and biomass, account for most of the available flow of renewable energy.

Solar energy technologies harness the sun's energy for practical ends. These technologies date from the time of the early Greeks, Native Americans and Chinese, who warmed their buildings by orienting them toward the sun. Modern solar technologies provide heating, lighting, electricity and even flight.

Solar power is used synonymously with solar energy or more specifically to refer to the conversion of sunlight into electricity . This can be done either through the photovoltaic effect or by heating a transfer fluid to produce steam to run a generator. Solar photovoltaic provide 0.04% of the world's energy usage.

6. Tidal power, sometimes called tidal energy, is a form of hydropower that exploits the movement of water caused by tidal currents or the rise and fall in sea levels due to the tides.

Although not yet widely used, tidal power has potential for future electricity generation and is more predictable than wind energy and solar power. In Europe, tide mills have been used for over a thousand years, mainly for grinding grains.

7. Wave power refers to the energy of ocean surface waves and the capture of that energy to do useful work - including electricity generation, desalination, and the pumping of water (into reservoirs). Wave power is a form of renewable energy. Though often co-mingled, wave power is distinct from the diurnal flux of tidal power and the steady gyre ofnocean currents. Wave power generation is not a widely employed technology, and no commercial wave farm has yet been established.

On December 18, 2007, Pacific Gas and Electric Company announced its support for plans to build America's first commercial wave power plant off the coast of Northern California. The plant will consist of eight buoys, 2 1/2 miles offshore, each buoy generating electricity as it rises and falls with the waves. The plant is scheduled to begin operating in 2012, generating a maximum of 2 megawatts of electricity. Each megawatt can power about 750 homes.

Plans to install three 750 kW Pelamis devices at the Aguçadora Wave Park in Portugal in 2006 have been delayed and no installation had taken place by August 2007. Other plans for wave farms include a 3MW array of four 750 kW Pelamis devices in the Orkneys, off northern Scotland, and the 20MW Wave hub development off the north coast of Cornwal, England.
The north and south temperate zones have the best sites for capturing wave power. The prevailing waterlines these zones blow strongest in winter.

8. Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into useful form, such as electricity, using wind turbines. In windmills, wind energy is directly used to crush grain or to pump water. At the end of 2006, worldwide capacity of wind-powered generators was 73.9 gig watts . Although wind currently produces just over 1% of world-wide electricity use, it accounts for approximately 20% of electricity production in Denmark , 9% in Spain, and 7% in Germany Globally, wind power generation more than quadrupled between 2000 and 2006.

Wind power is produced in large scale wind farms connected to electrical grids, as well as in individual turbines for providing electricity to isolated locations.

Wind energy is plentiful, renewable, widely distributed, clean, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions when it displaces fossil-fuel-derived electricity. The intermittency of wind seldom creates insurmountable problems when using wind power to supply up to roughly 10% of total electrical demand (low to moderate penetration), but it presents challenges that are not yet fully solved when wind is to be used for a larger fraction of demand.

Kamis, 10 Januari 2008


Biodisel yang dibuat dari miyak nabati dan biodiesel lemak hewan

Adalah suatu bahan bakar yang yang dapat diperbaharui yang dapat digunakan sebagai ganti bahan bakar diesel dibuat dari minyak tanah. Biodioesel dapat dibuat dari minyak nabati, daging hewan, atau lemak. Kebanyakan biodiesel hari ini dibuat dari minyak kacang kedelai. Sekitar separuh dari biodiesel produsen bisa membuat biodiesel dari digunakan minyak atau gemuk, lumas/lemak rumah makan termasuk yang didaur ulang. Biodiesel adalah paling sering dicampur dengan diesel minyak tanah di (dalam) perbandingan dari 2 persen ( B2), 5 persen ( B5), atau 20 persen ( B20). [Itu] dapat juga digunakan sebagai biodiesel yang murni ( B100). Biodiesel bahan bakar dapat digunakan sebagai sarana menggerak mesin diesel yang reguler tanpa membuat perubahan apapun pada bagian mesin tersebut . mesin/motor dengan bahan bakar biodiesel sudah lama dipergunakan , hal ini bukan suatu gagasan yang baru. Sebelum bahan bakar diesel di ketemukan minyak tanah telah popiuler , Rudolf Diesel, perancang dari mesin diesel, telah mencoba menggunakan minyak nabati ( biodiesel) sebagai bahan bakar.

Biodisel sebagai bahan bakar transportasi

Kebanyakan truk, buses, dan traktor di United States/Amerika Serikat menggunakan bahan bakar diesel. Diesel adalah suatu bahan bakar yang yang nonrenewable terbuat dari minyak tanah. Menggunakan biodiesel berarti bahwa kita menggunakan lebih sedikit minyak tanah. Biodiesel mengakibatkan lebih sedikit polusi dibanding diesel minyak tanah. Sebagai sarana (angkut) apapun yang beroperasi dengan bahan bakar diesel dapatberpindah ke biodiesel tanpa adanya perubahan pada konstrusi mesin. Oleh karena itu pembakarnnya lebih bersih, biodiesel tumh dan berkembang paling cepat dibandingkan dengan bahan bakar yang lain karena biaya lebih efisien sebagi sarana (angkut) armada. Banyak armada sekolah berpindah ke bahan bakar biodiesel campuran untuk bahan bakar bis sekolah mereka. Biodiesel juga bisa digunakan untuk armada, truk sampah, , dan sarana angkut militer. Sejauh ini, penggunaan dari biodiesel telah dibatasi pada armada dari sarana angkut yang mempunyai sarana pompa-bensin tempat mereka. Ketika banyaknya pompa-bensin yang dimiliki publik menawarkan biodiesel, mungkin menjadi lebih populer di antara konsumen yang individu. B100 dan biodiesel campuran adalah sensitip dengan udara dingin dan boleh memerlukan bahan campuran khusus anti-freeze, seperti halnya bahan bakar diesel seperti penggunaan pada petroleum-based. Prinsip kerja Biodiesel seperti suatu zat aditip deterjen, mengendurkan dan menghancurkan sedimen di dalam tangki penyimpan. Sebab biodiesel adalah suatu bahan pelarut, B100 juga menyebabkan karet dan komponen lain dapat rusak pada mesin sarana angkut yang lebih tua. Masalah ini tidak terjadi dengan biodiesel campuran.

Biodisel dan Lingkungan

Bahan bakar biodiesel dapat diperbaharui, tidak beracun, dan biodegradable. dibandingkan dengan bahan bakar diesel, biodiesel, pembakarannya lebih bersih. Proses pembakarnnya menghasilkan lebih sedikit polusi , seperti particulates, karbon monoksida, hidrokarbon, dan air beracun. Meskipun demikian juga dapat membuat peningkatan emisi/ pancaran dari oksida zat lemas. Biodiesel menghasilkan lebih sedikit asap yang hitam, dan bau lebih baik, juga. Kadang-Kadang biodiesel mempunyai bau seperti minyak goreng. Bahan bakar diesel reguler berisi belerang. Belerang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada lingkungan ketika terjadi proses pembakaran pada bahan bakar. Undang-undang lingkungan baru akan menerapkan jumlah belerang di (dalam) bahan bakar diesel untuk secara dramatis dikurangi pada beberapa tahun yang akan datang. Kapan belerang dipindahkan dari bahan bakar diesel yang reguler, apabila tidak bekerja sebagai bahan bakar dengan baik. Menambahkan suatu kecil jumlah biodiesel dapat memperbaiki masalah itu. Biodiesel tidak mengandung belerang, sehingga mesin beroperasi dengan suara yang lebih lembut.